Friday, July 13, 2012

Best Buy, What's the Problem?

Best Buy is making news recently, and it's not in a good way.  Executives resigning, stores closing and entire websites devoted to why Best Buy "sucks."  There many theories why Best Buy is following the Circuit City path to extinction, but could it be as simple as customer experience?

Many retailers are worried about competition from online marketing companies who use low internet prices to close the deal with shoppers who have browsed their sales floors.  It's a valid concern, but remember when the consumers are in your store it's a huge opportunity the online merchant doesn't have.  You can WOW the consumer and yes, SELL to them!  In my opinion customer experience plays a huge role in Best Buy's current troubles (Google Best Buy sucks).  Check out the recent blog at ClickBear, Best Buy, What's the Real Problem.

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