Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Getting Back to Marketing Basics, They Worked Before the Internet and They Currently Work Online

Over 18 years of working with a number of different clients on their online marketing,some don't know where their brand or company is positioned in the Internet marketplace.  In turn, if your team doesn't have clarity around your position in the market, your consumers won't either.

It's important, as part of your planning and online strategy process, to have a positioning statement written.  It helps you and your team members stay true to your vision of the product while providing a clear identity.  (It also helps as an elevator speech when someone asks what your product does?)

The mechanics of writing a online positioning statement are easy (the challenge of creating meaningful content falls on your shoulders).  What I do is create a spreadsheet with seven columns (for the below seven items).  This formula is defined by Geoffrey Moore in his respected book Crossing the Chasm.  (Copyright 1991, Harper Collins Publishers)  These elements will make an effective positioning statement.

1.  For:  Enter who the target customer is
2.  Who:  Enter a statement of the need for the product or opportunity
3.  The:  Enter your product name
4.  Is a: Enter the product category
5.  That:  Enter the key benefits or compelling reasons to buy
6.  Unlike: Enter the competitive alternative
7.  Our product:  Enter a statement of what differentiates your product from the competition    

Now combine the above elements into a paragraph and you have an excellent online positioning statement for your product or brand.

Now go sell something!

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1 comment:

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